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In China, it’s not what you think

In China, it’s not what you think

Concern has been raised in the West about a period of absence by China's leader, Xi Jinping, and by recent military activity inside China.

Opinion: Students continue to pave the way for freedom

Opinion: Students continue to pave the way for freedom

Thirty-three years ago, winds of change blew through China.

Gabbard on Disinformation Governance Board: 'Every dictatorship has a propaganda arm'

Gabbard on Disinformation Governance Board: 'Every dictatorship has a propaganda arm'

Former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard criticized the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board, comparing it to the Ministry of Truth from the novel "1984."

FGI: 'I’ve never heard of a federal agency working so fast to ‘carefully consider’ a request only to issue a blanket denial within a day'

FGI: 'I’ve never heard of a federal agency working so fast to ‘carefully consider’ a request only to issue a blanket denial within a day'

Today, the Functional Government Initiative announced concerning developments in its efforts to obtain public records from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding the SEC’s newly proposed Climate Disclosure Rule.

Arial snipers: The U.S. Forest Service’s latest livestock management tool

Arial snipers: The U.S. Forest Service’s latest livestock management tool

On February 10 and 11, Wildlife Services gunned down 65 head of cattle in the Gila Wilderness. They did it with a sniper in a helicopter.