Stories by BD on Federal Newswire

Gemini seeks to dismiss SEC lawsuit

Cryptocurrency exchange Gemini is seeking to dismiss a complaint filed against it in January by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over an alleged unregistered securities offering. A memo filed on Aug. 18 in support of Gemini's motion to dismiss asserts that the SEC has failed to identify both the security and the supposed sale or offering of the security.

Vermont 30x30 law text: ‘It is the goal of the state that 30 percent of Vermont’s total land area shall be conserved by 2030.’

Vermont recently passed the Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection Act, which sets a goal to conserve 30% of Vermont’s land area by 2030 and 50% of its land area by 2050, which goes beyond President Biden’s 30x30 plan, the Vermont Public news site reported. Critics, including American Stewards of Liberty, say the law is governmental overreach.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson: 'We urge you to investigate and hold hearings into DHS’s efforts to combat human trafficking'

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) recently led Republican senators in a letter to several Democratic Senate Committee chairmen, calling for them to ramp up investigations into the Department of Homeland Security’s activities to combat human trafficking.