American Property Casualty Insurance Association expert: Policymakers should prioritize ‘Addressing legal system abuse’

American Property Casualty Insurance Association expert: Policymakers should prioritize ‘Addressing legal system abuse’

American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) Vice President Bob Passmore stated that if lawmakers prioritize legislation addressing "legal system abuse," such as undisclosed third-party litigation funding, they could curb rising car insurance costs.

NJCJI president: Lack of transparency in third-party litigation funding raises questions over ‘ethical conflicts for the judges and attorneys involved’

NJCJI president: Lack of transparency in third-party litigation funding raises questions over ‘ethical conflicts for the judges and attorneys involved’

Anthony Anastasio, president of the New Jersey Civil Justice Institute (NJCJI), told Federal Newswire in an Aug. 19 statement that NJCJI supports state and federal efforts to require transparency in third-party litigation funding (TPLF) and will continue advocating for it in New Jersey civil lawsuits.