News from November 2020

By Interior Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: Jemez Springs, NM - The National Park Service plans to implement prescribed burn projects in Valles Caldera National Preserve between early November and the end of the winter season when conditions allow. The prescribed burns will occur in previously thinned areas where materials have been piled for burning. The burn operations will be completed in phases over several days depending on weather and fuel conditions.
By USDA Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
Release: Washington -Private exporters reported to the U.S. Department of Agriculture export sales of 204,000 metric tons of corn for delivery to unknown destinations during the 2020/2021 marketing year.

By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: Awards are Part of More Than $458 Million in Justice Department Funding Announced by Attorney General Barr.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: FARGO - United States Attorney Drew Wrigley announced that a federal grand jury has indicted Harleigh Josett Haugen, age 20 and Jordan Daniel Kraft, age 21, both of Fargo, ND, for Conspiracy to commit Robbery and Robbery. The Indictment alleges that from May and continuing through June 2019, Haugen and...
By Interior Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: National Park Service investigators are looking for information related to the illegal shooting of a collared black-colored gray wolf. The body of the wolf was located near the Pilgrim Creek Trailhead in Grand Teton National Park on the morning of Oct. 26, 2020.

By USDA Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: Washington - Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue designated four Michigan counties as primary natural disaster areas. Producers who suffered losses due to recent natural disasters may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: RALEIGH, N.C. - A Fayetteville man arrested on charges of naturalization fraud, document fraud, and making false statements in naturalization proceedings had an initial appearance today before United States Magistrate Judge Brian S. Meyers in Raleigh, North Carolina.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: SANTA ANA, California - A San Fernando Valley man was sentenced today to 180 months in federal prison for selling fentanyl to a 22-year-old man who suffered a fatal overdose approximately 20 minutes after ingesting the drug.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: CLARKSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA - Dejuan Bernard Williams, of Detroit, Michigan, has admitted to a drug charge, U.S. Attorney Bill Powell announced.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: KANSAS CITY, KAN. - A man from Mexico pleaded guilty today to driving more than one kilogram of heroin to Kansas, U.S. Attorney Stephen McAllister said.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: ALBUQUERQUE N.M. - Garrith Bitsilly, 33, of Newcomb, New Mexico, and an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, was sentenced on Oct. 29 in federal court in Albuquerque to five years and three months in prison for abusive sexual contact in Indian Country.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: CHARLESTON, W.Va. - United States Attorney Mike Stuart announced today that Gregory Eugene Woods, 43, of Charleston, pled guilty to possession with intent to distribute cocaine. Woods is one of 14 defendants charged as a result of a long-term investigation known as “Second Wave," which dismantled a poly-drug network operating in Kanawha and Fayette Counties.

By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: Orlando, Florida - United States Attorney Maria Chapa Lopez announces that a federal jury has found Ryan Rusty Rodriguez (45, Orlando) guilty of two counts of receiving child pornography, two counts of distributing child pornography, and one count of possessing child pornography. Rodriguez faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in federal prison on each count. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for Jan. 27, 2021.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: Matthew D. Krueger, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, announced that on Oct. 20, 2020, a federal grand jury returned a one-count indictment against a woman who allegedly assaulted a man with intent to murder. The indictment named Michelle Pamonicutt (age: 35), of Keshena, which is on the Menominee Indian Reservation.

By Interior Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area may implement the following pile burns during the fall of 2020. Pile locations.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: St. Thomas, USVI -United States Attorney Gretchen C.F. Shappert for the District of the Virgin Islands announced that Kahlid Blyden surrendered himself to federal authorities Monday morning for possession with intent to distribute marijuana and possession of an unauthorized firearm and ammunition.
By Interior Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: The National Park Service’s Interior Region 2 recently approved a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the General Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment (EA) for Wright Brothers National Memorial.A public review and comment period helped guide the development of the amendment to the 1997 General Management Plan. The approved amendment includes the following actions.

By Interior Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: WEST GLACIER, Mont. [Nov. 2, 2020] - On Sunday, November 1 at approximately 5:50 p.m., a Glacier National Park Ranger responded to a report of a scuba diving accident at Lake McDonald. An 18-year-old female from Missoula was declared deceased after resuscitation efforts by members of the diving group and first responders were unsuccessful.
By DOJ Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: LOS ANGELES - Memorial Health Services, a Fountain Valley-based non-profit health care organization, has agreed to pay more than $31.5 million to resolve allegations that it overbilled Medicaid for prescription medication purchased and reimbursed under a federal drug pricing program, the Justice Department announced today.
By Homeland Newswire | Nov 2, 2020
News Release: WASHINGTON- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announced three finalists in the first stage of the $25,000 Digital Wallets Challenge. S&T issued the challenge in September, seeking design concepts for a trusted user interface (UI) for digital wallets.