United States-Japan Extended Deterrence Dialogue

United States-Japan Extended Deterrence Dialogue

The following press release was published by the Office of the Spokesperson on April 30, 2021. It is reproduced in full below.

The United States and Japan held a bilateral Extended Deterrence Dialogue by video teleconference on Apr. 30, 2021. The Dialogue provided an opportunity for our two governments to hold in-depth discussions on regional security, Alliance defense posture, nuclear and missile defense policy, and arms control issues. Since 2010, it has provided a forum for U.S.-Japan Alliance officials to discuss how to maintain and strengthen deterrence as part of our security and defense cooperation. The dialogue’s longevity attests to the unwavering U.S. commitment to the defense of Japan through the full range of its capabilities, including nuclear weapons.

Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Alexandra Bell, and Department of Defense Principal Director for Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy Brad Clark, co-chaired the meeting for the Government of the United States. Deputy Director General for North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arima Yutaka and Deputy Director General for Defense Policy, Ministry of Defense, Yamato Taro co-chaired for the Government of Japan.

Source: Office of the Spokesperson

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