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Federal Reserve announces changes that will begin in 2017 to its Beige Book publication


The following press release was published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Nov. 30, 2016. It is reproduced in full below.

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday announced changes that will begin in 2017 to its Beige Book publication. The modifications will standardize specific core topics included in each of the 12 Federal Reserve Bank District reports, provide a more consistent presentation of the national summary, and enhance the design of the publication.

The national summary, along with each District report, will consistently cover three core topics: overall economic activity, employment and wages, and prices. Each District report will continue to include other topics or industry-specific reports of particular interest in that District. Additionally, the national summary will include highlights from each District.

The Beige Book characterizes regional economic conditions and prospects across the 12 Federal Reserve Bank Districts based upon a variety of information gathered from businesses and community organizations in each District. Its qualitative nature creates an opportunity to identify dynamics and emerging trends in the economy that may not be readily apparent in available economic data. The Beige Book is generally released on the Wednesday two weeks prior to each Federal Open Market Committee meeting.

The first Beige Book in the new format will be released on Jan. 18, 2017. A template of the new format is attached.

For media inquiries, call 202-452-2955.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


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