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FECM invested in several projects during 2021 aimed at addressing carbon emissions. | Pixabay

FECM outlines ‘momentous’ year of accomplishments


The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) recently highlighted its efforts in 2021 towards reducing fossil fuel impact and achieving the goal of net-zero emissions in the United States by 2050.

Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, acting assistant secretary of FECM, covered several initiatives in an FECM news release, including a new name and structure for the department, research grants and community outreach programs.

“This year has been a momentous one for our office,” Wilcox said in the release. “We added ‘Carbon Management’ to our name and updated our mission to reflect our new focus: to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels and help the nation achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

FECM, formerly known as the Office of Fossil Energy, added Carbon Management to its name on July 4, 2021, the release said.

Highlights for the office in 2021 include investing $211.5 million to further carbon management research and development, launching carbon management initiatives at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, awarding over $25 million to advance the progress on clean hydrogen research, creating research opportunities for underrepresented students in STEM and hosting the year-end ‘12.01 Carbon Management Webinar,’ the release said.

"As we close out the year, I am very proud of how the FECM team has shifted efforts to support the Biden-Harris Administration in meeting its climate and equity goals,” Wilcox said in the release.


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