Alpine man life in prison
Damion Edward Cruz-Benaventa will spend life in prison for his crimes. | Canva

Officials cite victim's bravery in putting child rapist behind bars

This week, an Alpine resident was sentenced to life in prison for the convicted crime of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor.

The actual sentence was two life sentences, which is, in effect, a life sentence for his crimes. 

The defendant was Damion Edward Cruz-Benaventa, age 30. He was found guilty by a jury in Pecos in August of last year for one count of aggravated sexual abuse by force, another count of sexual abuse by threat or fear, and a count of sexual abuse by a minor. His sentencing was this month. 

US Attorney Ashley C. Hoff commented on the case, saying, “This is a horrific case of child victimization by an evil predator who stole a child’s innocence and has now received a sentence that provides some measure of justice for the brave victim. I am grateful for the tireless efforts of our law enforcement partners as we work together to protect our communities.”

The violent and aggressive nature of his crime drew nationwide attention to the case. It has also drawn the gaze of the FBI, which is making a concerted effort to come down hard on those convicted of violent sexual crimes. 

FBI Special Agent in Charge Jeffry R. Downey said, “This sentencing should send a strong message to those who sexually harm innocent children in our community. For years, the defendant in this case committed despicable and heinous acts against the victim and the victim’s siblings. The victim can now have faith that others believed the victim’s cry for help, wanted to help the victim heal and gave the victim the peace of mind to know the defendant will be behind bars for a very long time."

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