It’s official: Biden failed to deliver on his promise that schools would, in his first 100 days, fully reopen for in-person learning.
President Biden’s record on school reopenings reads more like a rap sheet than a plan. From bowing to teachers unions to denying the science and walking back promises, the only thing Biden has stayed firm on is his willingness to prioritize political allies over students.
In Case You Missed it via Roll Call, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx documents how Biden bungled one of his first major promises:
Biden’s inexcusable failure to reopen schools
Rep. Virginia Foxx
April 30, 2021
(Roll Call) - When talking about the Biden administration’s first 100 days, that is the number we should be focusing on: Forty-six percent of students are receiving a full-time, in-person education. Joe Biden’s failure to deliver on the promise that schools would fully reopen by the end of April provides a window into who this president truly serves - teachers unions and liberal activists.
Gone are the days when students took precedence in education policy decisions….
Liberal politics are dominating the space children once occupied…
The Biden administration can’t get its story straight. Instead of pushing for reopening to ensure children aren’t needlessly missing out on vital learning opportunities, it is focused on pushing outrageous spending to advance a socialist agenda.
Democrats claimed that their latest round of economic stimulus would give schools the resources necessary to reopen schools. Over a month later, that has not materialized, perhaps due to their refusal to adopt Republican amendments that would have required schools receiving additional funding to reopen for in-person instruction.
The White House claims to be taking bold action, but its boldness ends where teacher union and liberal elite demands begin.
Mr. President, the lights are still off in many schools across America. Give students an ounce of the political capital that you so easily throw at your teacher union friends, and state, unequivocally, that schools can and should fully reopen immediately.