Rep. Levin: Malaysia’s Ranking in Annual Human Trafficking Report “Profoundly Disappointing”

Rep. Levin: Malaysia’s Ranking in Annual Human Trafficking Report “Profoundly Disappointing”

The following press release was published by the U.S. Congress Committee on Ways and Means on June 30, 2016. It is reproduced in full below.

WASHINGTON, DC - Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today responded to the U.S. State Department’s 2016 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, expressing his disappointment that Malaysia remained on the Report’s Tier 2 Watch List instead of being downgraded to Tier 3 - the lowest ranking for countries regarding their efforts to combat human trafficking.


“It is profoundly disappointing that, for the second year in a row, the State Department has given Malaysia an undeserved ranking by choosing not to designate Malaysia as a Tier 3 country."


“The Report appears to be in search of small details that illustrate progress when the overall picture remains very dire and Malaysia is not taking the action necessary to change a disturbing situation."


“The State Department’s decision to maintain Malaysia at that ranking continues to be a disappointment and undermines the integrity of the TIP Report’s reputation."


“Since the 2015 TIP Report was issued, few positive developments have occurred in Malaysia’s efforts to combat forced labor and human trafficking."


“Malaysia’s accumulated record on forced labor and human trafficking, as depicted through the TIP Report narratives including those in the 2016 report, is one of very low standards and failure to achieve the major transformation in actual conditions facing huge numbers of workers, migrants, and refugees in Malaysia."

Rep. Levin’s full blog post can be found on Medium here.

Source: U.S. Congress Committee on Ways and Means

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