Neal Seeks Information on Expanding Long-Term Care Services through Medigap

Neal Seeks Information on Expanding Long-Term Care Services through Medigap

The following press release was published by the U.S. Congress Committee on Ways and Means on June 3, 2019. It is reproduced in full below.

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) sent a letter to National Association of Insurance Commissioners President Eric Cioppa, requesting information on ways to expand long-term services and supports (LTSS) through Medigap for older Americans and individuals with disabilities.

Chairman Neal pointed out that the “number of individuals age 65 and over in the United States is expected to double to 98 million by the year 2060, comprising nearly a quarter of the population." The long-term services and supports that America’s health system currently offers fall short of meeting the changing needs of older Americans. For example, the Chairman wrote that “nearly 70 percent of individuals age 65 and older will need help at some point with getting dressed, bathing, shopping, and maintaining their lives in the community; with the average person needing such care for three years."

Noting that “states have attempted innovative approaches to expand access to LTSS, and have used Medigap as a vehicle for such approaches," the Chairman asked Mr. Cioppa to answer a series of questions regarding the possibility of expanding LTSS availability in Medigap. Citing the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ legislative mandate to assist Congress in developing specifications for supplemental Medicare plans, Chairman Neal requested a response within the next 60 days.

Source: U.S. Congress Committee on Ways and Means

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