A 4-year-old dog was rescued July 8 at Pictured Rock National Lakeshore after falling about 30 feet. | National Park Service

Park rangers, volunteer rescue dog at 'unforgiving' Pictured Rock National Lakeshore

Park rangers at Pictured Rock National Lakeshore recently announced intentions to partner with mountaineering guides from the Superior High Angle Rescue Professionals team to perform increasingly difficult rescues.

“The park's shoreline can be very unforgiving from the cold water to the sheer cliffs and drop-offs,” said Joe Hughes, chief ranger at Pictured Rock National Lakeshore. “By partnering with the highly trained mountaineering guides on SHARP, we are able to safely effect these types of high-angle rescues here at the park.”

A 4-year-old cocker Spaniel-poodle mix fell about 30 feet July 8 after jumping at the railing that is fixated on the lower overlook, according to a July 9 news release. He landed on a ledge below and park staff, along with a volunteer from the SHARP team, John Miller, worked to rescue the dog.

Miller had trouble luring Leo toward him at first but was able to do so with dog food, bread, and goldfish crackers, according to a to a report from CBS 58. He made a makeshift harness for Leo and lifted him to be reunited with his family.

"Pictured Rocks offers towering multicolored sandstone cliffs, miles of sparkling beaches, dashing waterfalls, huge sand dunes, inland lakes and streams, and deep green forests,” according to the National Park Service website. The lakeshore includes some 15 miles of cliffs along its 42-mile length. Within the park, nearly 100 miles of trails lead to remote trout streams, hidden bogs, wild Lake Superior beaches, and a system of 14 backcountry campsites.

The park is open year-round, the website stated.

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