Chair Grijalva Statement on SCOTUS Decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency

The following press release was published by the House Committee on Natural Resources on June 30. It is reproduced in full below.

Washington, D.C. - Natural Resources Committee Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) today issued the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency.

“In the span of just a week, all of Republicans’ dreams for their extremist political hijack of the Supreme Court have come true. They’ve killed abortion rights. They’ve killed gun control. They’ve killed separation of church and state. They’ve killed fair voting districts. They’ve killed tribal sovereignty.

“And now, with today’s decision to gut the federal government’s ability to keep carbon pollution from some of the country’s biggest climate change offenders in check, they’ve sentenced our planet to death as well.

“Make no mistake, this decision-and all of the decisions this week-will be directly responsible for the harm and deaths of countless Americans. And while there’s no question that this GOP takeover will hurt everyone, we know that poor communities, communities of color, and Indigenous communities will be hurt the most.

“These decisions are not what the American people want, and they are not what decades, sometimes centuries, of legal precedent mandate this court to do. Democrats in this Committee and in the House will continue to pass legislation that respects the rule of law and our duty to protect the American people from climate change and preserve the dignity of all people in the face of hostile right-wing control. I urge the Senate to follow suit."

Source: House Committee on Natural Resources

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