U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $625,500 in American Rescue Plan Funds to Boost Transportation Workforce Development in Utah

Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $625,500 grant to Utah State University, Logan, Utah, to grow the transportation and logistics sectors by supporting workforce development efforts.

This project will support training and certification in heavy equipment operation and truck driving at Utah State University Blanding, preparing students for high-wage positions. This EDA grant will be matched with $190,944 in local funds and is expected to create 60 jobs, according to grantee estimates.

“The Economic Development Administration plays an important role in supporting community-led economic development strategies designed to boost coronavirus recovery and response efforts,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Alejandra Y. Castillo. “This investment will help fill a shortfall of skilled workers in a critical sector while providing good-paying jobs.”

This project was made possible by the regional planning efforts led by the Southeastern Utah Economic Development District (SEUEDD). EDA funds SEUEDD to bring together the public and private sectors to create an economic development roadmap to strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment and create jobs.

This project is funded under EDA’s American Rescue Plan Economic Adjustment Assistance program, which makes $500 million in Economic Adjustment Assistance grants available to American communities. The Economic Adjustment Assistance program is EDA’s most flexible program, and grants made under this program will help hundreds of communities across the nation plan, build, innovate, and put people back to work through construction or non-construction projects designed to meet local needs. Effective May 26, 2022, EDA has officially closed all of its American Rescue Plan programs for applications. The $3 billion program funding will be awarded on a rolling basis through September 30, 2022.

Original source can be found here.

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