FEMA has released $600,000 for a Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Congressional Community Project to upgrade and construct an underground stormwater storage system that will control drainage in the village of Arlington Heights, Ill. This community flood mitigation project addresses issues of flooding in residential areas along Chicago and Race avenues and is expected to minimize street ponding and flood damages.
The city will be installing underground box culverts to hold excess water from rain events. New storm/sewer connections will also be installed to direct the water to the culverts and away from properties, protecting the area from future flood damage.
For this project, FEMA will pay 65% of the $925,000 eligible project cost. The remaining funds will be provided by Arlington Heights. These PDM grants are selected and authorized by Congress and are not dependent on disaster declarations. For more information about Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants and resources visit: Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants | FEMA.gov.
Original source can be found here.