Historic Trading Post Rehabilitation

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Historic Trading Post Rehabilitation

The following press release was published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service on April 30, 2021. It is reproduced in full below.

Pecos, NM: Pecos National Historical Park recently completed rehabilitation of the historic Kozlowski's Trading Post along Highway 63 in Pecos, NM. The $4 million dollar project, which began in 2018, repurposed the spaces into a self-guided museum (opening 2022), a community conference room, and park offices. No tax dollars were used for this project; instead receipts from visitor entrance fees from parks around the country funded the rehabilitation of this building.

The trading post complex is a critical component of the park’s pending National Register designation as a Historic District because of its association with the Santa Fe Trail and the Civil War. Superintendent Karl Cordova noted that it took a lot of “hard work to bring this historic building back to life. And, it is rewarding to know that it will continue to serve the public for many more years."

The Trading Post has a storied past. A Polish immigrant named Martin Kozlowski originally constructed the Trading Post along the Santa Fe Trail in 1858. It served as one of the last stage stops before trail-weary travelers arrived in Santa Fe after months on the dusty trail. During the Civil War Battle of Glorieta Pass, this building served as a Union hospital. In 1925, rodeo-promoter and entrepreneur Tex Austin purchased the building and turned it into ranch headquarters for his famous Forked Lightning Ranch. In the 1940s, E.E. "Buddy" Fogelson bought the ranch and then brought his Hollywood actress wife, Oscar-winning Greer Garson, to the Forked Lightning Ranch. Together, they worked the land as a hobby ranch and entertained many Hollywood guests. In 1990, the National Park Service acquired the ranch and Trading Post and used it as office space, until 2006, when the building was deemed unfit for occupancy. The rehabilitation of the Trading Post also addresses a notable portion of the park’s maintenance backlog.

For more information about the park in general, contact Pecos NHP at (505) 757-7241 or visit our website. You will also find our listings on the New Mexico True website and Tourism Santa Fe. Please like on us on Facebook or Instagram.

From I-25 N: Take the Pecos/Glorieta Exit, #299. Left onto overpass, right onto Route 50; proceed on Route 50 for eight miles. At the village of Pecos, take a right at the four-way stop onto Route 63. In two miles, the park will be on your right. From I-25 S: Take the Rowe Exit, #307. Follow signs. From Highway 63, the park will be on your left.

Tags: pecos national historical park pecos trading post santa fe trail museum

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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