Rogers: Biden's national security strategy is not based in reality

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U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers |

Rogers: Biden's national security strategy is not based in reality


U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers has issued the following press release:

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Lead Republican of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on the Biden administration’s National Security Strategy on Oct. 13.


“The National Security Strategy should give the American people a realistic outline for how the administration plans to keep our nation secure.


“The strategy produced by the Biden administration takes 48 pages to say nothing. It is based in a fantasy world where all nations, even adversaries, work together to advance the common good.


“Sadly, we don’t live in such a utopia — we live in a reality where our adversaries commit genocide, purposefully bomb civilians, and threaten the use of nuclear weapons.


“Our adversaries are dangerous, they don’t care about the common good, and they don’t want to work with us to achieve altruistic goals – they want to destroy us.


“The U.S. is in real danger of losing our position as the world’s superpower. We cannot allow ourselves to be led by the same naivety that allowed China to take advantage of our nation for decades.


“Our number one priority should be boosting our own defenses and modernizing our nuclear deterrent. The Cold War may be ‘over’ but President Reagan’s ‘peace through strength' doctrine has never been more crucial.”


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