Fox: 'Grant funding will help reduce exposure to lead in drinking water' in underserved communities

A scientist inspects a water sample   15011059180
Grant funding will aid in hastening the removal of lead pipes around the nation. | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Wikipedia Commons

Fox: 'Grant funding will help reduce exposure to lead in drinking water' in underserved communities


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently announced $30 million in grant funding for projects to reduce lead in drinking water in disadvantaged communities and schools.

According to an Oct. 11 news release, the EPA selected projects to receive more than $30 million in grant financing through the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act. These grant funds, with extra funding provided thorough the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, will aid in hastening the removal of lead pipes around the nation.

“A pillar of our work at EPA is ensuring that every person in every community has safe drinking water,” EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox said in the release. “The science on lead is settled — there is no safe level of exposure. This grant funding will help reduce exposure to lead in drinking water and should be used to support underserved communities that are most at risk for exposure.”

Gary Brown, Detroit Water and Sewerage Department director, shared his appreciation for the department receiving $5 million to accelerate lead service line replacement, the release reported.

"This grant will result in replacing more than 500 lead service lines at houses with our most vulnerable residents, such as seniors and children in the home,” Brown said in the release

Grant funding recipients include the city of Trenton, the city of Fall River, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, the Hawaii Department of Health, the school district of Philadelphia and the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, according to the release.


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