Explanation of Position on a Second Committee Resolution on the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway

On behalf of the U.S. government, I would like to thank the facilitator — Trinidad and Tobago — for their leadership in shepherding a resolution that addresses the important issues facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

The United States is a strong supporter and partner of SIDS, and we are pleased to join consensus on this resolution that addresses the important issues they face.

The United States is committed to improving policies and programs to address the particular needs of SIDS and recognizes their unique challenges, including their vulnerability to climate change. We are proud to have provided more than $4.5 billion in foreign assistance from 2014 to 2020 to over 30 SIDS and other small island states.

This year, the United States hosted two major events in support of SIDS. In June, President Biden hosted the Summit of the Americas. During the Summit, Vice President Kamala Harris launched the U.S.-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis (PACC) 2030, which establishes a framework to elevate United States cooperation with Caribbean countries in support for climate adaptation and strengthened energy security and resilience. The PACC’s energy security and climate adaptation and resilience objectives are underpinned by four pillars, the first of which is improving access to development financing.

On September 29, President Biden hosted the first-ever U.S.-Pacific Island Country Summit, at which he announced over $800 million in new initiatives and programming for the Pacific, and launched our new U.S. Pacific Partnership Strategy, which is an addendum to our broader U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Before concluding, we would like to take this opportunity to explain our position on a few issues.

We note for the record that we disagree with the language in OP23 that calls for use of “a multidimensional vulnerability index as criteria to access concessional finance.” We reiterate that the proper fora to discuss use of eligibility measures for concessional finance are the Boards of the Multilateral Development Banks and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 

It should also be noted that international financial institutions already use factors other than per capita income in determining access to concessional resources.

As we tackle lasting impacts of multiple crises and longer-term challenges, the United States will continue to work to ensure those most vulnerable among us are not left behind.

Thank you.

Original source can be found here.

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