Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Bryan Newland commented on an updated agreement between the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the FBI. | U.S. Department of the Interior

Newland: 'This partnership will further support our efforts to keep Native people safe'

The Bureau of Indian Affairs recently announced a partnership with the FBI to improve law enforcement.

The FBI and BIA signed a memorandum of agreement to "establish guidelines regarding the respective jurisdictions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the FBI in certain investigative matters, and to provide for the effective and efficient administration of criminal investigations in Indian country."

“Interagency coordination is absolutely critical given the complexities of jurisdiction in Tribal communities," Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland said in the Dec. 1 news release announcing the agreement. "This agreement supports an all-of-government approach to addressing federal responsibilities and Tribal needs in Indian Country. All federal agencies share a treaty and trust responsibility to protect Tribal sovereignty and revitalize Tribal communities. This partnership will further support our efforts to keep Native people safe in their homes and communities.”

The memorandum of understanding is an update to a 1990s MOU between the two federal agencies, the release reported. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland highlighted the MOU during the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit and was discussed during a panel featuring Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. 

The Summit provided an opportunity for administration and Tribal leaders from the 574 federally recognized Tribes to discuss ways the federal government can invest in and strengthen nation-to-nation relationships as well as ensure that progress in Indian Country endures for years to come, according to the release.

“The FBI is committed to ongoing and continued collaboration with the Bureau of Indian Affairs,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in the release. “The FBI has a crucial role in successfully addressing matters in the nation’s Indian Country communities and this updated MOU affirms our dedication to the mission of protecting all Americans. The FBI will not waver in its support of our Tribal law enforcement agency partners and our coordination with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.”

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