ICYMI: Recording of Endangered Species Act Workplan Update Webinar

Presentation slides and a recording of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Nov. 17, 2022, webinar on the Agency’s Endangered Species Act (ESA) Workplan Update are now available. The ESA Workplan Update released last month details how EPA will pursue protections for nontarget species, including federally threatened and endangered (listed) species, through pesticide registration review and other Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) actions.

The webinar covered:

  • The proposed menu of FIFRA Interim Ecological Mitigation measures that EPA will draw from in many future conventional and biological pesticide registration and registration review actions to protect nontarget species.
  • Proposed label language to expand the use of online endangered species protection bulletins to implement geographically specific mitigation measures for individual listed species.
  • Current and future initiatives with other federal agencies to prioritize mitigation for listed species that are particularly vulnerable to pesticides and to improve the efficiency and timeliness of the ESA-FIFRA process.
EPA staff also answered participant questions about the ESA Workplan Update.

EPA is currently accepting public comments on the proposed set of interim mitigation measures and the proposed revisions to label language included in the ESA Workplan Update appendix. Comments are due by Jan. 30, 2023, in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0908 at www.regulations.gov.

Learn more about the ESA Workplan Update.

View the webinar and the presentation slides (pdf) (3.41 MB, November 17, 2022) .

Original source can be found here

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