The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration launched a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of impaired driving. | Hillelfrei/Wikimedia Commons

Carlson: 'Making a plan for a safe, sober ride home is critical to saving lives'

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration launched a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of impaired driving.

The NHTSA annual holiday campaign for safety began Dec. 14. It runs through Jan. 1, 2023, bringing attention to the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, according to a Dec. 13 news release. The campaign includes a $13.2 million national media buy, including TV, radio and digital ads in English and Spanish.

"Making a plan for a safe, sober ride home is critical to saving lives this holiday season,” NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson said in the release. “I urge everyone to do their part to end these preventable tragedies by always driving sober, designating a sober driver, using public transportation or calling a taxi or ride-hailing service.”

The NHTSA also released data from the extensive Alcohol and Drug Prevalence Among Seriously or Fatally Injured Road Users study, showing cannabinoids with 25.1% and alcohol with 23.1% as the most predominantly involved in fatal accidents. In addition, in 56% of severe or fatal accidents, users tested positive for alcohol or some drug known to have potentially impairing effects.

Using data from Level 1 Trauma centers around the country, out of 7,279 participants, the presence of alcohol or OTC, prescription and illegal drugs was found in approximately 43% bicyclists and as high as 61% for different modes of transportation, like scooters and ATVs, the study reported. Additionally, 55.8% of the injured or killed roadway users tested positive for one or more drugs and or alcohol.

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