Linda Thomas-Greenfield | United States Ambassador to the United Nations

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s Interview with Marco Werman of NPR’s “The World”

QUESTION: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is front and center at the conference. Earlier today, I asked her what’s the goal of the Summit?

AMBASSADOR LINDA THOMAS-GREENFIELD: We really want to deepen and expand our partnership, and to advance our shared priorities. We want to really amplify Africa’s voice both in our bilateral relationship, but also multilaterally. And then third, I think, just to leverage the best of the United States; we’re bringing the private sector in, we’re bringing in civil society, we’re bringing in our diaspora community that I’m going to be speaking with shortly. And really, our goal is to uplift our relationship with the continent.

QUESTION: Well, as you well know, China has long been Africa’s big trading partner. Countries like Russia also have made inroads on the continent, selling arms and sending mercenaries. Turkey and the United Arab Emirates also have expanded their presence. What’s Washington offering that’s different?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: You know, I don’t know that we are different. We have been engaged with the African continent since the beginning. The U.S. is one of the first countries to recognize African countries who were gaining independence, if we go back, even to Ghana in 1957. And we have never had a relationship of colonialism with the continent of Africa. We have been a strong supporter of human rights on the continent of Africa. African Americans, as well as others, were a strong voice of support for South Africa.

China is new to this game on the continent; they’ve come to the conclusion that they need to focus attention on Africa, because Africa is kind of the last frontier of resources and the last frontier of untapped possibilities. But what they are doing on the continent of Africa, as we see it, they’re putting these countries in debt, they’re providing infrastructure that many of us have seen that crumbles within a few years, they have a relationship, although they try to argue that as the relationship of equal partners, we’ve all seen the extent to which they are able to threaten African countries, including using their debt as a weapon against these countries. Our relationship is really very different. It really is one based on partnership. It is one that is based on a deep and abiding support for the people of Africa.

We do engage with governments; we know the importance of those bilateral relationships. But our relationship, people to people, is very different from what the Chinese have been able to achieve. So, while there is clearly a competition, we think the U.S. is ahead of the game.

QUESTION: I mean, China has also brought many improvements to a lot of countries and some prosperity, which those countries are happy with. So is that going to change?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD  We’re not telling Africans not to engage with China, we’re not choosing their friends for them or their partners for them. What we’re doing is reaffirming our relationship with the continent of Africa, and the values that we present to the continent and the value of the relationship and partnership we have. If Africans make the decision that they want to engage with the Chinese, our goal is to help them get the best deal that they can possibly get. And they’re not getting that right now.

QUESTION: Do you worry, though, that maybe we’re entering an era of another great powers rivalry in Africa?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: I don’t think we are. I think we are in a place on the continent where Africans themselves know their value. They know their potential. And they’re willing to work with countries, and particularly with the United States, as they’ve all indicated to us. They have a preference for working with the United States to build prosperity for the future. And again, it’s going to be up to Africans themselves to decide that, but we’re willing to partner with them.

QUESTION: President Biden is expected to announce $55 billion in initiatives for Africa over the next three years during the summit. How can you be sure, Ambassador, that Washington does not put some of that money into the pockets of authoritarians and those who support them?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: We have embassies and USAID missions in almost every country on the continent. And part of our jobs at embassies is to monitor and to ensure that the money that we’re providing to countries actually go to the needs that have been identified. And I think we do an extraordinarily good job at that.

QUESTION: Will the President be meeting one on one with any heads of state during the summit?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: He’s going to be meeting with a number of leaders in group sessions. As you know, there are 49 leaders here and we’re looking for opportunities for him to engage with as many of them as possible during the summit.

QUESTION: And so how will the President parse out his messages to these various leaders, because yesterday, we spoke with a Ugandan opposition activist who argued that by inviting authoritarian leaders to the summit, and there are several of them have varying degrees of authoritarianism, the U.S. is sending the wrong message to pro-democracy activists in Africa. So, what would you say about that?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: You know, I think it’s really important that we engage with those countries, even those ones where we have differences, because that gives us the opportunity to press them on those issues. I do believe that we will use this as an opportunity to deliver tough messages. You can’t deliver a tough message if you’re not engaging.

QUESTION: U.S. officials have been quoted saying President Biden supports both a seat for an African nation on the UN Security Council and allowing the African Union to join the G20, as a permanent member. What can you tell us about that, Ambassador? And why would you think it would make a difference?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: This is part of our commitment. It is our showing to our African partners that we hear them. This is something that they’ve asked for. And we’re responding to that.

QUESTION: Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield, as you noted earlier, you’ve devoted a lot of your career to places in Africa, Kenya, the Gambia, and Nigeria, you were the U.S. Ambassador to Liberia. What sort of change are you hoping to see going forward when it comes to how U.S. leaders deal with their counterparts in Africa?

AMBASSADOR THOMAS-GREENFIELD: We have committed to engaging with this continent. And for me, I think the important thing that we will message in the Summit is that we value Africa, and most importantly, we value the people of Africa. Africa is a young continent – the medium age is 19 – and we have to engage with those young people moving forward. They are the future. And we need to make sure that they’re prepared for their leadership roles in the future, and ensure that the United States is listening to them and supporting them and working so that they can provide for Africa’s prosperity in the future.

QUESTION: Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield is the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She joined us from Washington at the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit. Ambassador, thank you very much for your time today.


Original source can be found here.

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