United States and Kenya Conclude Opening Round Under the U.S.-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership

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United States and Kenya Conclude Opening Round Under the U.S.-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership


The United States and Kenya today concluded a week of productive meetings on the U.S.-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership (STIP).

During the meetings, the two sides exchanged views on the key concepts to be addressed on almost all of the areas outlined in the July 14, 2022 joint statement announcing the initiative. The goal of the Partnership is to increase investment; promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth; benefit workers, consumers, and businesses (including micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises); and support African regional economic integration.  

The joint statement identified a set of initial issues on which the United States and Kenya share the goal of negotiating high-standard commitments in order to achieve economically meaningful outcomes. in the following initial areas:  (1) agriculture, (2) anti-corruption, (3) digital trade, (4) environment and climate action, (5) good regulatory practices, (6) micro, small, and medium size enterprises, (7) protecting worker’s rights and protections, (8) services domestic regulation;,(9) supporting the participation of women, youth, and others in trade, (10) standards collaboration, and (11) trade facilitation and customs procedures.

The U.S. delegation was led by  Assistant United States Trade Representative for Africa Connie Hamilton. The Kenyan delegation was led by Trade Principal Secretary Alfred K’Ombudo. The U.S. delegation also included representatives from over 20 U.S. Government agencies.

The two sides agreed to hold additional meetings in the coming months.

Original source can be found here


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