House Committee on Natural Resources | House Committee on Natural Resources

American Energy, Minerals Essential to Secure Our Future

Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a legislative hearing on a discussion draft of the Transparency and Production of American Energy (TAP American Energy) Act and H.R. 209, the Permitting for Mining Needs Act. Subcommittee Chairman Pete Stauber (R-Minn.) issued the following statement in response:

“Our House Republican majority is committed to unleashing the full potential of American energy and mineral resources. This begins with permitting reform- without it, it’s near impossible to develop new projects or secure domestic energy supply chains. At today’s committee hearing we heard about the urgent need to fix the broken permitting process from those who know best and about the urgent need to secure domestic supply chains for minerals and end our reliance on countries like China. It’s critical that we pass Chairman Westerman’s Transparency and Production of American Energy Act and my Permitting for Mining Needs Act to access America’s resources and secure our domestic supply chains.” 


The need for American-made energy and minerals has never been clearer. Facing historically high energy prices and inflation, families across the country are on the front lines of dealing with the Biden administration's failed policies. 

The Energy Information Administration predicts a 50 percent increase in global energy consumption by 2050, while global demand for critical minerals necessary for defense, smart phones and renewable energy technology is increasing exponentially. An all-of-the-above approach to domestic energy and mining is the best way to support the energy needs of American families and meet our technological and national security needs. The TAP American Energy Act and Permitting for Mining Needs Act will help to meet this demand by spurring the responsible development of domestic energy and mineral resources, creating leasing certainty, streamlining permitting processes and reducing frivolous litigation. 

The TAP American Energy Act would provide a much-needed jumpstart to American energy production by preventing both this administration and future administrations from slowing production, ultimately helping U.S. industries by eliminating bureaucratic hurdles, empowering the energy sector to innovate, expanding access to federal lands and waters for responsible energy development and more.

Foreign adversaries also continue to monopolize our supply chains. Despite having vast mineral wealth nationwide, American mining is stifled by a bloated and broken permitting process and frivolous litigation. 

The Permitting for Mining Needs Act would create certainty by setting reasonable time limits on reviews, increasing clarity about project timelines and affirming the right to explore and conduct mining support activities in the United States. The bill would put commonsense limits on litigation by only allowing consideration of claims filed within 120 days of a federal decision. The bill would also require agencies to work together by authorizing memorandums of understanding between sponsors, states and tribes at early stages of the permitting process and designating a lead agency to coordinate. 

For more information, click here.

Original source can be found here

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