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Dive In With NOAA Fisheries

business | Pexels by Elena Yunina

Dive In With NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Fisheries conducts world-class science to support sustainable marine life and habitats. We manage millions of square miles of ocean (almost 100,000 miles of coastline), support a $244 billion fishing industry, and protect and rebuild endangered marine species and habitats. It’s a huge job. Our podcast, “Dive In with NOAA Fisheries,” is about the work we do and the people behind it.

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Episode 22: A Citizen's Guide to Fishery Management

Hear how regional fishery management councils shape the management of our nation's fisheries.

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Episode 21: 50 Years of Protecting Marine Mammals

A look at the Marine Mammal Protection Act's many advancements and accomplishments in the last 50 years.

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Episode 20: Shark Surveys and Lesson Plans: A Multitasking Teacher at Sea

Learn about the Teacher at Sea program and one of our recent teachers, Maronda Hastie, who went above and beyond to bring what she learned to her students.

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Episode 19: Recreational Fishing: Policy and Partnerships

Recreational fishing is a key part of the social and economic fabric of our coastal communities. Explore how policy and partnership are working to ensure U.S. recreational fishing remains vibrant and sustainable for the future.

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Episode 18: Partnership Profiles: A Queen Conch Hatchery and the Local Fish Initiative

Partnerships are essential to the success of NOAA Fisheries work and mission. One of the agency's most effective tools for channeling funds to partners is the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Competition.

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Episode 17: Seafood for Everyone: A Conversation with Janet Coit

As we celebrate National Seafood Month, we take a look at the state of the U.S. seafood industry and its opportunities for expansion—as evidenced by Americans' growing demand for healthy local seafood. Our conversation with Janet Coit, NOAA Fisheries Administrator, also addresses challenges facing the industry, such as climate change and supply chains disrupted by the pandemic.

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Episode 16: Aquaculture: Policy and Possibilities

Aquaculture—or farmed seafood—is important for nutrition, for local jobs, for climate-ready food systems, and for collaboration between wild capture and aquaculture to put U.S. seafood back on U.S. plates. 

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Episode 15: Reducing Bycatch Through Innovation

Innovations in gear help reduce bycatch across the country.

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Episode 14: A New Strategy for Equity and Environmental Justice at NOAA Fisheries

Our new national, comprehensive strategy around equity and environmental justice is centered around fairness for all.

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Episode 13: Slowing Down to Save North Atlantic Right Whales

A new proposed rule aims to reduce vessel strikes and add protections to endangered North Atlantic right whales.

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Episode 12: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: A Transformational Opportunity for Habitats

Historic climate resilience funding for NOAA, made possible by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, will improve habitat restoration, coastal resilience, and weather forecasting infrastructure.

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Episode 11: Exploring Solutions for Sea Turtle Bycatch

For Sea Turtle Week, we talk with Barb Schroeder, National Sea Turtle Coordinator, about bycatch innovations that are helping sea turtles thrive and how we work with fishermen to reduce bycatch.

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Episode 10: Return 'Em Right: Empowering Anglers to Save Fish from Barotrauma

Hear how a federal program is providing free gear and training to anglers to reduce barotrauma in Gulf of Mexico fisheries.

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Episode 9: A Look at the Vast Waters and Rich Diversity of Marine Life in the U.S. Pacific Islands

Learn how surveys support seafood and fishing central to the Pacific Islands culture and economy, as well as how our scientists study, recover, and care for endangered Hawaiian monk seals.

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Episode 8: Surveying the Southeast: Diverse Ecosystems, Abundant Recreational Fishing, and Sharks

The southeast region is one of our most diverse, encompassing four main large marine ecosystems. We talk with Dr. Clay Porch, Director of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center, about the Southeast's many attractions—including more recreational fishing than the rest of the country combined! We also hear why the bottom long-line survey is critical to keep track of large predators, and what it's like to fish for sharks.

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Episode 7: Evolving Science and Surveys in the Birthplace of NOAA Fisheries

John Sheehan speaks with Dr. Jon Hare, the Director of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, about the truly amazing breadth of science we conduct within Northeast waters. He also talks to Dr. Danielle Cholewiak, who explains how technology has evolved to help us study North Atlantic right whales.

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Episode 6: Adapting to the Future: Two NOAA Scientists Discuss New Global Report on Climate Change

In this episode, John Sheehan talks with Dr. Kirstin Holsman and Dr. Libby Jewett. They share insights on some of the very real challenges of climate change, as well some actionable information. 

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Episode 5: Sustainable Seafood: An Interview with Janet Coit, NOAA Fisheries Assistant Administrator

Hear from Janet Coit, NOAA Fisheries Assistant Administrator, on a number of major themes and how they relate to our role in ensuring sustainable seafood, including the pandemic, climate change, working waterfronts, and more.

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Episode 4: Collecting Data on Diverse West Coast Waters

Our latest podcast explores the ways our scientists survey West Coast waters from two perspectives: the Northwest and Southwest. Hear from two science center directors who frequently work together despite being more than a thousand miles apart, as well as Dr. Noelle Bowlin, the head of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations program. 

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Episode 3: Surveying Alaska's Waters

We continue our kickoff series on surveys (or data collection) by looking at the Alaska region, an area that is, in a word … humongous. We are responsible for about 1.5 million square nautical miles of this area. With so much ground to cover, our scientists collect data in a variety of ways, whether it's samples from the water column, or pulling information from satellites, buoys, and autonomous vehicles. 

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Episode 2: Checking In on Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales

We talk with Dr. Megan Wallen, a marine mammal specialist from NOAA Fisheries' West Coast Region, who led the 5-year review of Southern Resident killer whales. Follow along and find out more about how the population is doing.

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Episode 1: Learn About NOAA Fisheries Surveys

Our first guest, Dr. Cisco Werner, is NOAA Fisheries' Director of Scientific Programs and Chief Science Advisor. He explains an elemental piece of NOAA Fisheries' work: surveys. For 150 years, our scientists and partners have conducted field surveys, gathering data to understand current and changing ocean conditions and monitor marine life. He talks about the importance of these surveys and how they’ve been changing due to climate change and the ongoing pandemic.

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Original source can be found here.

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