Subcommittee Markup Recap: E&C Advances Bills to Halt Fentanyl, Secure the Border, Stop QALYs, and More

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Subcommittee Markup Recap: E&C Advances Bills to Halt Fentanyl, Secure the Border, Stop QALYs, and More


House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans today advanced five solutions during a Subcommittee on Health markup: 

“At the center of all these bills today, the Energy and Commerce Committee is leading to affirm that every life is worth living. For those in despair, we are offering hope. For a brighter and more secure future for all, it is critical we continue to make progress on these bills in today’s subcommittee. I look forward to our discussion and the work to come for the People’s House to take action these solutions,” said Chair Rodgers during her opening remarks. 

The Subcommittee on Health took action on the following bills: 

  • The Block, Report, And Suspend Suspicious Shipments Act (H.R. 501), led by Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN), was forwarded by the subcommittee to the full committee, without amendment, by a 28-0 bipartisan roll call vote. 
  • The 9-8-8 Lifeline Cybersecurity Responsibility Act (H.R. 498,), Rep. Jay Obernolte (R-CA), was forwarded by the subcommittee to the full committee, as amended, by a 27-0 bipartisan roll call vote. 
  • The Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act of 2023 (H.R. 485), Chair Rodgers, was forwarded by the subcommittee to the full committee, as amended, by voice vote. 
  • The Securing the Border for Public Health Act of 2023 (H.R. 801) was forwarded by the subcommittee to the full committee, without amendment, by a 17-12 roll call vote. 
  • The Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act (H.R. 467), led by Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA), was forwarded by the subcommittee to the full committee, as amended, by a 17-10 bipartisan roll call vote. 
Original source can be found here.


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