USDA-NRCS in Georgia Seeks New Outreach Proposals from Conservation Minded Partners

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USDA-NRCS in Georgia Seeks New Outreach Proposals from Conservation Minded Partners

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is requesting proposals from eligible applicants that can assist with Georgia-focused outreach and education to ensure better awareness and understanding of USDA-NRCS programs, particularly to historically underserved communities.  

"We know there are passionate and well-suited partners out there to help take our USDA message into new communities and help open doors to our services," said Terrance O. Rudolph, state conservationist for NRCS in Georgia. “By finding those partners and working together, we are ensuring that new customers have a chance to make improvements on their land and participate in feeding and clothing the world in a more sustainable way.”

In addition to the previously announced technical assistance-focused Notice of Funding Opportunity (NFO), conservation and outreach minded organizations, who wish to apply for this funding should demonstrate how they can ensure equity in the delivery and implementation of all NRCS programs and Services. 

NRCS in Georgia anticipates funding approximately $1,500,000 this fiscal year 2023 for 1–3-year projects that address topics such as Soil Health; Urban Agriculture and Conservation Education; Incorporating New Methods/Technologies in Conservation Outreach and Partnerships; Aquatic/Water Quality; Pollinator Habitat Enhancement; as well as Wildlife Habitat Enhancement. The estimated funding floor for this opportunity is $25,000, and the estimated funding ceiling is $100,000.

Potential applicants should review the Fiscal Year 2023 Georgia NRCS Technical Outreach and Education Notice of Funding Opportunity (USDA-NRCS-GA-MULTI-23-NOFO0001245) available at, which includes application materials and submission procedures. Proposals for this funding announcement are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on April 17, 2023. All awards are subject to the availability of funds appropriated by Congress and the State Conservationist reserves the right to not fund any or all applications.

For further questions about this funding opportunity, please contact Eric Purifoy by email at with a copy to Please include the NFO number in the subject line.

Funding AuthorityThis announcement is authorized and funded under the Soil and Water Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CStP). For more information on these programs in Georgia, please visit

Federal Financial Assistance TrainingThe funding available through this NFO is Federal financial assistance. Grants 101 Training is highly recommended for those seeking knowledge about Federal financial assistance. The training is free and available to the public via It consists of five modules covering each of the following topics: 1) laws, regulations, and guidance; 2) financial assistance mechanisms; 3) uniform guidance administrative requirements; 4) cost principles; and 5) risk management and single audit. FPAC agencies also apply Federal financial assistance regulations to certain non-assistance awards (e.g., non-assistance cooperative agreements).

Reminder of Other Calls for ProposalsIn addition to the Georgia-focused NFO for technical assistance, that was released earlier this month and concludes on March 30, 2023, the USDA in Washington D.C. is still seeking applications from across the country for projects that will improve outreach to underserved producers and underserved communities about conservation programs and services and opportunities for students to pursue careers in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. USDA’s NRCS is offering up to $70 million in cooperative agreements with entities for two-year projects that encourage participation in NRCS programs, especially in underserved communities and among urban and small-scale producers. Proposals for this NFO are due April 27, 2023.

Original source can be found here.