On June 3, 2019 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services’ (APHIS) wildlife damage management program, Wildlife Services (WS), posted its annual Program Data Reports (PDR) for fiscal year (FY) 2018. The reports are available on the APHIS webpage. They represent the 23rd year that APHIS has shared information on its wildlife damage management activities conducted for the protection of human health/safety, agriculture, natural resources and property. In FY 2018, $80 million in appropriated funds was used to help manage wildlife damage in every state and territory and to support special programs, such as managing feral swine damage and rabies in raccoons. APHIS also received funding from businesses, organizations, individuals and other government agencies that allowed the WS program to maximize its scope and effectiveness. Last year, “cooperative" funding totaled $87 million (52 percent) of APHIS WS’ budget (see PDR A for funding sources and expenditures nationally and by state). APHIS used almost half (49 percent) of WS’ funding to reduce or prevent wildlife hazards to human health and safety, such as wildlife collisions with aircraft and disease transmission. APHIS spent one-quarter (25 percent) of the funding on protecting agriculture, including field crops, aquaculture, and livestock. APHIS spent the remaining one-quarter on property and natural resources protection, including threatened and endangered species work. Data Highlights The PDRs list the work carried out by APHIS’ wildlife biologists and field specialists, with information by state, species, and other details. Some key information from FY2018 includes the following: Most species whose damage is actively managed by APHIS have increasing and/or expanding populations. This suggests that the agency’s focused efforts to resolve wildlife conflicts are balanced with APHIS’ stewardship responsibilities toward the long-term maintenance and health of wildlife populations. As a federal agency with public trust responsibilities to manage wildlife for present and future generations, APHIS complies with all Federal and state laws, such as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Endangered Species Act, as well as executive orders pertaining to invasive species management. APHIS conducts careful environmental review of all agency actions through a NEPA process that includes public involvement. To learn more, please visit the WS website.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service