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Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland commented on the 2024 fiscal year budget. | U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs

Newland: Indian Affairs budget 'makes significant investments in Tribal sovereignty and revitalization'

The 2024 budget for the Bureau of Indian Affairs invests in Tribal revitalization and provides funding resources for Tribes to manage their lands and waters.

For Indian Affairs programs, the budget request is $4.7 billion, which is an increase of $690 million, according to the Office of the Budget of the Department of the Interior. The budget request includes $3 billion for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, $1.6 billion for the Bureau of Indian Education and $109.1 million for the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration.

“The 2024 budget request makes significant investments in Tribal sovereignty and revitalization, upholding our steadfast commitment to honor the nation’s treaty and trust responsibilities and strengthen government-to-government relationships with Tribal Nations,” Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland said, according to a March 9 news release. “This administration’s commitment to supporting the sovereignty of Tribal Nations and addressing long-standing disparities is unprecedented and will remain an important moment in our nation’s history.”

In the Indian Affairs budget, a $78.1 million investment for the Tiwahe Initiative has an increase of $33.5 million from 2023, the release reported. Newland called Tiwahe an extensive and bold approach to furthering Indian self-determination and self-governance. 

He said key Tribal programs are given the flexibility to address unique community needs, support Tribal economic self-sufficiency and strengthen Tribal cultural connections, according to the release. It fosters systemic change in the delivery of services to children and families through the integration of Tribal practices, customs, values and traditions. 

The 2024 budget request further expands Tiwahe in the social services, Indian Child Welfare Act, housing, Tribal justice support and economic development programs, the release reported.

The 2024 budget request also includes $34 million in funding for native language revitalization, a more than $25 million dollar increase over the previous year, according to the release. It also includes investments in Tribal infrastructure, subsistence management, as well as additional assistance with land conservation.