White: EM crews 'reach this crucially important milestone' of converting radioactive waste

EM Senior Advisor William "Ike" White and Idaho Cleanup Project Manager Connie Flohr meet with Idaho National Laboratory Site Integrated Waste Treatment Unit staff in late March. | energy.gov/

White: EM crews 'reach this crucially important milestone' of converting radioactive waste

The Integrated Waste Treatment Unit at Idaho National Laboratory recently started operations to convert radioactive sodium-bearing liquid waste from underground tanks to a more stable, granular solid.

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management crews initiated the waste flow from the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center tanks to the waste treatment unit to kick off radiological operations. The waste previously was generated during decontamination activities that followed spent nuclear fuel reprocessing that ended in 1992, according to an April 11 news release.

"Congratulations to the federal and contractor staff who worked so diligently to reach this crucially important milestone," EM Senior Advisor William "Ike" White said in the news release. "When I toured the IWTU recently, I was impressed with the professionalism and enthusiasm of the workforce. This day was only made possible by their dedication to the mission."

The Integrated Waste Treatment Unit was constructed 2007 to 2011, to convert 900,000 gallons of radioactive liquid waste into a granular solid, which resembles coarse sand, using "steam-reforming technology," the news release said. During the following 11 years, the site underwent testing with non-radioactive simulated waste, or simulant. 

Environmental Management  also completed subsequent modifications to the location's primary reaction vessel, off-gas treatment vessel, process filters and canister fill cells, addressing technical challenges, according to the release.

"Because of your hard work, we have begun the process of safeguarding the Snake River Plain Aquifer as well as planning for the eventual closure of the tank farm," EM Idaho Cleanup Project Manager Connie Flohr said in the release.

Idaho Environmental Coalition President Ty Blackford said many employees supporting the waste treatment unit made countless sacrifices over the years to work on the project, the release reported.

"Our employees have worked holidays and weekends, sacrificed vacations and literally spent all of their waking time supporting the IWTU," Blackford said in the release. "I'm so pleased that those who dedicated so much of their careers to the IWTU get to enjoy this monumental moment."