Patel: 'We urge the PRC to immediately and unconditionally release these two unjustly detained human rights defenders'

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Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken meets with human rights defenders in Los Angeles, Calif., during the Summit of the Americas. | Freddie Everett/State Department

Patel: 'We urge the PRC to immediately and unconditionally release these two unjustly detained human rights defenders'


The United States recently spoke out about China's detention and sentencing of two human rights defenders.

The People's Republic of China courts sentenced Xu Zhiyong to 14 years and Ding Jiaxi to 12 years in prison for supporting internationally recognized fundamental freedoms, according to an April 11 State Department news release.

"We urge the PRC to immediately and unconditionally release these two unjustly detained human rights defenders and to cease any harassment of their family members," Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said in the release.

The U.S. also called upon the PRC to release others who were unjustly detained or imprisoned and to allow all individuals to exercise their fundamental freedoms, the release reported. The U.S. reiterated its commitment to stand with individuals defending human rights in China and worldwide.

The Guardian reported on outcry over the lengthy jail terms handed to the human rights lawyers. Chinese courts sentenced Xu and Ding April 10 to 14 and 12 years in prison, respectively, for supporting internationally recognized fundamental freedoms. 

The sentences have been condemned by human rights organizations and the U.S. government, which has called for the immediate and unconditional release of the two lawyers, according to The Guardian. Critics argue the sentencing is part of China's broader effort to intimidate and silence civil society.

In recent years, the Chinese government intensified its crackdown on human rights defenders, according to the Human Rights Watch. In addition to detaining and imprisoning individuals for their activism, the government has also targeted their families and associates. Human rights defenders have reported being subjected to torture and ill-treatment while in custody, and many have been denied access to legal representation.

"With President Xi Jinping at the helm, the Chinese government doubled down on repression inside and outside the country in 2021," the Human Rights Watch said. "Its 'zero-tolerance' policy toward COVID-19 strengthened the authorities’ hand, as they imposed harsh policies in the name of public health."