Baquero: 'Through these funds, Puerto Rico will experience a resilient recovery'

PUerto Rico is still recovering from Hurricane Maria. | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Wikimedia Commons

Baquero: 'Through these funds, Puerto Rico will experience a resilient recovery'


The Federal Emergency Management Agency is providing allocations totaling $30 billion for hospitals, highways, educational institutions, parks, water and the electric grid in Puerto Rico for reconstruction in the wake of Hurricane María.

According to an April 16 FEMA news release, more than 10,600 projects, including a wide range of categories under Public Assistance funds, will address infrastructure that provides a benefit to the community at large.

“We celebrate the $30 billion milestone because this translates into an unprecedented and comprehensive reconstruction for this and future generations,” Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator José G. Baquero said in the news release. “Through these funds, Puerto Rico will experience a resilient recovery, so essential in planning for future atmospheric events.”

The University of Puerto Rico has been a driving force in pushing the redevelopment of the island nation forward, and its campuses continue to educate professionals and promote research thanks to more than $750 million in funds, the release reported.

Moreover, the nation’s Ro Piedras Botanical Garden is providing an area of rest and recreation for visitors while also serving as a living example for students to study tropical plants and an array of birds on the island, according to the release.

Construction has started on the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music, a specialized public university. The university’s buildings underwent a damage assessment that also included the restoration of a historically significant structure dating to the 19th century, which received $1.5 million from FEMA, the release said.

Of the $9.5 billion earmarked under the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority for the generation, transmission and distribution of the island’s electric system, $16.5 million has been used for permanent repairs to the Mayagüez Hydro-Gas Plant, according to the release.

The project includes repairs to the 1A and 1B units of the gas turbine, as well as the installation of a new control water pump and additional work, the release said.