Pentagon Memorial Service Honors the Resilient Spirit of 9/11 Victims and Survivors

The Pentagon held a memorial service to honor the resilient spirit of the victims and survivors of the 9/11 attacks. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks led the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of sharing personal stories to foster understanding across generations. Hicks recounted her own experiences on that fateful day, highlighting the need to bridge the gap between those who vividly remember the events and the younger generations impacted by the aftermath. She also praised the community's response to the tragedy, noting the remarkable resilience and instinct to help others that was exhibited in the aftermath. The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial was also mentioned as a space to honor the lives lost and to pay respects. Hicks acknowledged the surge in enlistments that followed 9/11, with many Americans joining the armed forces out of selflessness and patriotism. She closed her address by assuring the survivors and those who lost loved ones that they are not alone and will never be forgotten.