Vilsack: "USDA is committed to helping the beginning farmer, the young farmer, access and make use of USDA programs"


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking candidates to join the Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers, starting on September 18. The committee, established in 1992, provides advice to the Secretary of Agriculture on improving USDA's objectives for beginning farming and ranching businesses. The USDA is encouraging nominations from various sectors, including the ranching and farming industry, state and tribal agriculture organizations, academic institutions, and trade associations. Interested individuals can also nominate themselves.

To complete the nomination process, candidates must submit a USDA Advisory Committee Membership Background Information Form and a cover letter outlining their qualifications. They may also include letters of support, published writings on issues impacting new farmers and ranchers, and relevant examples of their work. Nomination packets should be sent to the USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement by October 10, 2023.

Under the Biden-Harris Administration, the USDA is committed to transforming America's food system. This includes promoting resilient local and regional food production, creating fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe and healthy food in all communities, and supporting farmers and producers using climate-smart practices. The USDA is also making significant investments in rural infrastructure and clean energy capabilities. For more information, visit the USDA's website.

In conclusion, the USDA is actively seeking individuals to join the Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. This committee plays a crucial role in advising the Secretary of Agriculture on improving support and opportunities for new farming and ranching businesses. Interested individuals are encouraged to nominate themselves or others who possess the necessary qualifications and expertise. With its commitment to transforming the food system and supporting farmers, the USDA is dedicated to the success of beginning farmers and ranchers in the United States.