The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has resolved a disability harassment investigation involving the Allegheny Valley School District in Pennsylvania. The investigation revealed harassment so severe that it created a hostile learning environment for the student involved.
According to Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine E. Lhamon, "No student should endure the disability-based hostile environment that the student in this investigation suffered, and our federal civil rights laws promise that schools will take necessary steps to protect students from these harms."
The OCR investigation found that over a period of six months, the student in question was verbally and physically abused by classmates, with taunts directly related to their disability. Despite the incidents being reported to a district principal by the student's parent and school staff, little to no action was taken to address the situation. Shockingly, one of the attacks was even captured on school security cameras, yet still went unaddressed as disability-based harassment.
Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights
As part of the resolution agreement, the Allegheny Valley School District has committed to a series of corrective actions to ensure nondiscrimination based on disability. These include issuing a memorandum to staff outlining the district's obligations, providing comprehensive training for school staff, and offering individual remedies for the affected student, such as counseling and academic support.
Furthermore, the district will convene the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to assess any impact on Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) due to the harassment. The school will also conduct a three-year review of all bullying incidents, along with a climate assessment to determine further support needed to foster a nondiscriminatory environment.
The resolution of this investigation highlights the importance of addressing disability harassment in schools and ensuring that students with disabilities are provided with a safe and inclusive learning environment. It serves as a reminder that schools have a legal obligation to protect students from harassment and discrimination based on their disabilities.