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Housing to support human trafficking survivors is opened by CVS in Ohio

Ohio officials, in collaboration with the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), 360 Management, and CVS Health, have announced the inauguration of Harriet's Hope. This 52-unit multifamily supportive housing community is designed to aid individuals who have survived human trafficking.

According to a news release by CVS Health, the housing initiative is named in honor of Harriet Tubman, renowned for her role in aiding numerous slaves to escape bondage. Harriet's Hope represents a pioneering development for Columbus and ranks among the first housing communities in the nation exclusively dedicated to survivors of human trafficking. CVS Health has invested $10.6 million into this $15.6 million property as part of its commitment to addressing housing issues and supporting Ohio's human trafficking survivors. The services offered will cater to the unique needs of trafficking survivors, supporting both their short-term and long-term goals. Additionally, Columbus Works will partner with these survivors to offer workforce development training and service opportunities.

CVS Health®, as detailed in the press release, is a leading health solutions company that enhances community health through local presence, digital channels, and over 300,000 dedicated colleagues. It assists individuals in managing chronic diseases, maintaining medication compliance, and accessing affordable health services. CMHA facilitates access to affordable housing through partnerships, neighborhood revitalization initiatives, and social services. Over the past five years, CMHA has doubled its portfolio of housing while providing rental assistance to more than 160,000 residents in Ohio and Washington D.C.

Celia Kendall, CEO of Beacon 360° Management expressed gratitude for the support Harriet's Hope has received from local leaders, the business community, and CMHA alike. "In alignment with Beacon 360° Management’s commitment to provide innovative ‘People First’ solutions to housing challenges," Kendall said "we collaborated with survivors to develop our supportive housing model." She further emphasized that it was clear that merely providing affordable housing was insufficient for survivors of such complex traumas. "How fitting that Harriet’s Hope was constructed on the very site where human trafficking once took place will now be an instrumental solution to this issue," Kendall concluded.