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Bruce Westerman - Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources | Official U.S. House headshot

Biden Administration Loses the Forest for the Trees

On the Hill

Today, the Biden administration has faced criticism for its implementation of burdensome forestry regulations. The administration announced a national old-growth amendment to all 128 forest plans across the nation, making it more challenging to responsibly manage America's forests. This move has been met with opposition from House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman, who believes that the administration has failed to address the underlying threats to our federal forests.

Chairman Westerman expressed his concerns, stating, "Instead of using proven active management techniques to mitigate wildfire risk, curb diseases, and give land managers critical tools for success, this action instead takes valuable practices off the table, leaving many of our forests even more vulnerable." He further emphasized the importance of enacting solutions that restore health and resiliency to forests of all ages.

The Biden administration's proposal comes as a part of their Executive Order 14072, which focuses on old and mature forests. The United States Department of Agriculture has announced its intention to alter forest land management plans related to old-growth forests and grasslands across the country. This proposal will restrict timber harvests on approximately 32 million acres of federal lands identified as old growth.

Critics argue that implementing additional restrictions on forest management during a historic wildfire crisis is unwise and should be rejected. They believe that instead of pursuing arbitrary and unscientific preservationist regulations, the administration should work towards policies that provide land managers with the necessary tools to effectively manage forests.

It remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will work with its critics to find a middle ground that promotes responsible forest management while addressing the concerns raised. The debate over forestry regulations continues, with stakeholders pushing for a balanced approach that considers both environmental preservation and the need for active forest management.

To learn more, click on this link: https://naturalresources.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=415349

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