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United States is investing $5 billion into CHIPS R&D Investments



The United States is making strides to reduce the barriers of entry into the research and development process of semiconductors, with an investment exceeding $5 billion in the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) R&D Investments. This includes the establishment of the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC).

As stated in a press release by the Department of Commerce, the NSTC serves as the focal point of CHIPS for America's $11 billion research and development program. The technology center aims to unite various elements of the private and public sector to simplify participation in semiconductor creation. The NSTC is one among four research and development programs, which also encompass the National Advanced Packing Manufacturing Program, the CHIPS Metrology Program, and the CHIPS Manufacturing USA Institute. Each initiative strives to expand the semiconductor industry within the United States as it pursues more advanced technologies.

The CHIPS and Science Act allocated $39 billion to onshore semiconductor manufacturing by offering incentives to companies. This economic strategy aims to stimulate private sector investment within America while creating new well-paid jobs in this sector. According to the press release, this investment will incorporate hundreds of millions of dollars directed towards bolstering the semiconductor workforce.

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said, "CHIPS research and development programs are at the core of our greatest innovations and help find solutions for the semiconductor industry’s most pressing challenges. With strategic investments in R&D complementing targeted industry incentives, CHIPS for America will not only bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the U.S., but it will keep it here for good. As we create opportunities for well-paying jobs, workforce initiatives such as those at NSTC Workforce Center of Excellence will help ensure a diverse, skilled, and prepared workforce across the nation."