WASHINGTON—Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reinstated an Obama-era “net neutrality” order that subjects internet service providers to more stringent regulations.
Annie Chestnut Tutor, policy analyst, and Daniel Cochrane, senior research associate in the Tech Policy Center at The Heritage Foundation, expressed concerns about the reinstatement. Tutor and Cochrane highlighted that the FCC's Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet rule, adopted to preserve a "free and open internet," may have unintended consequences. They emphasized that the order could potentially lead to future rate regulations on internet delivery services and pose challenges for new entrants, such as SpaceX's Starlink, that rely on innovative technologies like low earth orbit satellite systems.
According to Tutor and Cochrane, the focus on broadband providers under Title II of the Communications Act could hinder competition and innovation in the industry. They argued that the order fails to address the real threat to a free and open internet and could impede progress in connectivity options, including higher speeds and bandwidth.
In conclusion, the Heritage experts cautioned that the Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet rule may jeopardize American dynamism and innovation in the internet landscape.