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Dr. Miguel Cardona (left), Secretary of Education and Cindy Marten, Deputy Secretary | https://www2.ed.gov/news/staff/bios/index.html

Biden-Harris Administration doubles investment in school-based mental health services

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Biden-Harris Administration has announced new measures to enhance access to school-based mental health services. These actions include: (1) nearly doubling investments in the U.S. Department of Education’s School-Based Mental Health Services and Mental Health Service Professionals grant programs for the current fiscal year; (2) additional investments through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to improve student and educator mental health and wellbeing; and (3) offering new mental health and wellbeing training and resources for schools and educators.

“Today’s announcements affirm the Biden-Harris Administration’s continued commitment to tackling our youth mental health crisis,” stated U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “We know students are more likely to access mental health support if it’s offered in schools. By nearly doubling funds this year for school-based mental health professionals, releasing additional funds to help advance a variety of mental health strategies, and providing additional training and resources, we are raising the bar for student wellbeing across the country.”

Schools serve as a crucial access point for mental health services that may otherwise be inaccessible for students. Students are six times more likely to receive mental health services when they are delivered at school due to their ability to reach large numbers of students through education, prevention, services, and early intervention efforts. This can also help reduce stigmatization associated with seeking services.

With President Biden's American Rescue Plan (ARP) and Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), students have increased access to vital services. They are more likely now than when President Biden took office to have a counselor, social worker, or nurse at their school. The Department has worked closely with federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as colleges and universities, to build K-12 school-based capacity to provide mental health services.

The administration is announcing three additional actions today:

1. Nearly doubling the amount of funding available in the current fiscal year for the School-Based Mental Health and the Mental Health Service Professional grant programs. The Department will now allocate an additional $32 million toward these two critical programs, bringing the new total funding available to states, local educational agencies, and institutions of higher education for school-based mental health efforts up to $70 million.

2. Releasing additional Bipartisan Safer Communities Act funding to improve the mental health and wellbeing of students and educators.

3. Providing additional trainings and resources for youth mental health through Departments of Education and Health and Human Services Technical Assistance Centers.

President Biden has named tackling the mental health crisis a key pillar in his Unity Agenda for the nation. The Department will continue to advance this mission by making the pathway into mental health professions more accessible; increasing the number and diversity of school-based mental health professionals; expanding the number of full-service community schools, increasing partnerships with community-based organizations to provide school-based mental health supports and community violence interventions, and reducing stigmatization associated with seeking help.