ITI submits recommendations to enhance US government's approach towards safe artificial intelligence

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ITI submits recommendations to enhance US government's approach towards safe artificial intelligence


Jason Oxman President and Chief Executive Officer at Information Technology Industry Council | Official website

As part of its ongoing engagement on the implementation of U.S. President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence, global tech trade association ITI provided recommendations to help the U.S. government advance the safety, security, and trustworthiness of AI systems. ITI’s comments to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) highlight the importance of developing and promoting interoperable technical standards for AI, ensuring that AI guidance retains a flexible and risk-based approach, particularly with respect to generative AI, and coherence with existing and ongoing AI policy efforts across the U.S. government.

“ITI and our members are committed to fostering the responsible development and deployment of AI around the world,” said ITI Senior Vice President of Policy and General Counsel John Miller. “For the last several years, we have been actively engaged with NIST on its efforts to advance AI standards and best practices—including its AI Risk Management Framework—and appreciate NIST’s ongoing collaboration as it implements key sections of President Biden’s landmark Executive Order on AI. We look forward to continuing to work with NIST via the AI Safety Institute Consortium and more broadly to advance trustworthy AI.”

ITI submitted comments to NIST on several of its Executive Order deliverables, including those related to generative AI risk management, and developing and engaging on AI standards globally:

- NIST AI 600-1 (Initial Public Draft) on Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework: Generative AI Profile

- NIST AI 100-5 - A Plan for Global Engagement on AI Standards Draft for Public Comment

- NIST SP 800-218A Secure Software Development Practices for Generative AI and Dual-Use Foundation Models

ITI is an industry leader in the global dialogue on AI policy. Previously, ITI provided input to NIST on its Executive Order assignments and has been engaged in its efforts to develop its AI Risk Management Framework, which served as a baseline for these recent guidance documents. In addition to regularly providing recommendations to government agencies, ITI’s series of policy guides are charting the course on key AI issues:

- April 2024: Building an AI-Powered Government: A Blueprint for U.S. Federal, State, and Local Policymakers

- January 2024: Authenticating AI-Generated Content: Exploring Risks, Techniques & Policy Recommendations

- August 2023: Understanding Foundation Models & the AI Value Chain: ITI’s Comprehensive Policy Guide

Additionally, ITI President and CEO Jason Oxman participated in U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s fourth AI Insights Forum to discuss how the tech industry is mitigating potential harms and risks associated with AI across all sectors. This forum informed the recently released U.S. Senate Bipartisan Working Group report titled "Driving U.S. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence."