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Matthew Schruers President & CEO at Computer & Communications Industry Association | Official website

CCIA opposes New York bill on social media changes for young users

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) has formally opposed New York State Legislature's proposed bill S. 7694A/A.8148A, citing concerns over the online age verification requirements it entails. The CCIA argues that these requirements would necessitate the collection of sensitive personal information from users and their parents, potentially cutting off access to online communities for many individuals.

While acknowledging the need for enhanced security and privacy for children online, the CCIA's memo highlights that the bill's approach could introduce additional safety risks. Social media companies would be required to implement age verification measures, which could disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, including approximately 800,000 undocumented individuals in New York who may be unwilling or unable to provide such information.

The bill also aims to regulate algorithms that curate content for younger users. However, according to the CCIA, these algorithms play a crucial role in shielding teens from harmful content and tailoring age-appropriate material. The association warns that removing these algorithms might result in a random assortment of content being shown to users, potentially exposing them to inappropriate material.

Alex Spyropoulos, CCIA Northeast Regional Policy Manager, stated: "It’s important to recognize that labeling these algorithms as ‘addictive feeds’ oversimplifies their role and overlooks the benefits they provide in curating personalized and age-appropriate online experiences. Numerous tools exist to address excessive screen time and content consumption among minors without compromising protective measures and collecting sensitive information. We urge New York legislators to reject these social media bills."