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Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH President | Facebook Website

AMA praises Supreme Court decision maintaining protections against gun access for abusers


"The statistics on intimate partner violence are staggering, and making firearms more accessible to individuals under a domestic violence restraining order would certainly have resulted in more death and injury. As physicians who treat the victims and survivors of firearm violence every day, today’s ruling is a victory. It’s a win for our patients, our communities, and for commonsense laws," stated the American Medical Association (AMA) in response to the Supreme Court decision in U.S. v. Rahimi.

The AMA has consistently highlighted firearm violence as a public health crisis since 2016. "Somewhere in our country, a woman is shot and killed by a current or former intimate partner every 16 hours," the statement continued. The organization emphasized the need for further action to address firearm violence affecting various settings including homes, workplaces, schools, malls, houses of worship, and hospitals.

"Today’s ruling brings a sigh of relief that this critical protection remains intact," concluded the AMA's statement.

The AMA filed an amicus brief in U.S. v. Rahimi and then-AMA President Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, M.D., M.P.H., authored an AMA Viewpoint on the case and broader issues surrounding firearm violence.