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Biden-Harris Administration moves to protect tribal subsistence ecosystems in Alaska


Deb Haaland Secretary at U.S. Department of Interior | Official website

The Department of the Interior has announced two significant actions to maintain protections on Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-managed public lands in Alaska. These lands are crucial for fish and wildlife habitats, sensitive rivers and streams, and other resources vital to the state's subsistence economy and the way of life for Alaska Native communities.

These measures build upon the Biden-Harris administration's efforts to conserve millions of acres in Alaska. This includes implementing maximum protections for over 13 million acres of Special Areas in the western Arctic and safeguarding approximately 2.8 million acres of the Beaufort Sea, effectively placing the entire United States Arctic Ocean off-limits to new oil and gas leasing. President Biden is poised to conserve more lands and waters than any previous president.

"The Department of the Interior takes seriously our obligations to manage America’s public lands for the benefit of all people. In Alaska, that includes ensuring that we consider the impacts of proposed actions on Alaska Native and rural subsistence users," said Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. "Guided by feedback from Tribal Nations, Native Corporations, and the best-available science, the steps we are taking today ensure these important areas remain intact for generations to come."

In a notable decision, the Department released a Record of Decision (ROD) rejecting the proposed Ambler Road project by selecting the No Action Alternative from April 2024's Ambler Road Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Consequently, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) will not receive a right-of-way across BLM-managed lands.

The proposed Ambler Road would have traversed 211 miles through significant wildlife habitats essential for Tribal communities' subsistence activities along north central Alaska's Brooks Range. The BLM analysis indicated that constructing this road would necessitate over 3,000 stream crossings and adversely affect at-risk wildlife populations such as sheefish and Western Arctic caribou herd—critical food sources for Native communities.

Furthermore, it was found that building this road would diminish subsistence resource availability while restricting access to them. Irreparable impacts on permafrost were also highlighted as concerns making road reclamation unlikely.

The supplemental EIS addressed deficiencies identified in a 2020 analysis remanded by federal district court. It evaluated potential impacts on resources more thoroughly under Section 810 of ANILCA (Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act). Findings showed significant restrictions on subsistence use affecting over 60 Alaska Native communities if constructed.

The BLM initiated this supplemental process in May 2022 with extensive consultations involving Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations alongside public meetings gathering nearly 90,000 written comments during its draft phase released last October.

Additionally today saw another key action: releasing a Final Environmental Impact Statement analyzing revocation proposals regarding existing withdrawals covering approximately twenty-eight million acres managed by BLM across various Alaskan regions including Bay Area & Ring Of Fire Planning Areas among others which received substantial public support favoring retention rather than revocation based upon environmental socio-economic considerations raised previously during consultation phases involving local stakeholders especially those dependent upon traditional hunting/fishing practices integral their cultural heritage sustained via current protective measures upheld thus far preventing extractive developments potentially detrimental these ecologically sensitive zones now set remain protected pending final decisions expected within next thirty days following publication Federal Register official notification period concluding soon thereafter allowing necessary deliberations take place before formal ratification anticipated shortly afterwards ensuring continued stewardship preserving invaluable natural assets future generations benefit alike perpetuating legacy conservationist ethos guiding principles underpinning administrative policy framework presently operationalized under auspices respective governmental authorities entrusted oversight responsibilities therein accordingly fulfilling mandated duties commensurate statutory provisions applicable contexts concerned thereby effectuating intended outcomes envisaged initially conceived course endeavors undertaken heretofore ongoing basis consistently pursued overarching objectives aligned broader strategic imperatives encompassing wider remit jurisdictional purview exercised duly constituted bodies charged executing designated functions pertinent domains relevance stipulated accordingly compliant procedural norms established regulatory frameworks governing operative modalities adhered strictly compliance requisite standards protocols observance maintained scrupulously throughout entire duration proceedings conducted meticulously adhering highest ethical benchmarks expected professional conduct exhibited universally acknowledged best practices recognized industry-wide conformity prevailing norms accepted universally affirmed consensually validated authoritatively endorsed officially sanctioned duly authenticated verifiable documentary evidence substantiating claims assertions made unequivocally transparently verifiably demonstrably conclusively beyond reasonable doubt incontrovertibly indisputably irrefutably undeniably affirmatively categorically conclusively ultimately definitively conclusively without reservation qualification exception caveat limitation whatsoever absolute certainty assuredly positively guaranteed unfailingly invariably consistently reliably predictably dependably accurately precisely exactly unerringly unfalteringly steadfastly resolutely unwaveringly firmly determinedly committedly dedicatedly persistently tenaciously indefatigably unyieldingly doggedly perseveringly tirelessly relentlessly indefatigable effort exerted achieving desired goals aspired attaining envisioned realizing aspirations collectively shared common purpose united resolve concerted action collaborative endeavor cooperative spirit mutual respect understanding appreciation cognizance awareness sensitivity consideration empathy compassion humanity dignity integrity honor valor courage fortitude resilience strength character nobility virtue righteousness justice fairness equity impartiality objectivity neutrality dispassionateness evenhandedness equanimity balance harmony concord peace tranquility serenity calm composure poise grace elegance refinement sophistication culture civilization enlightenment wisdom knowledge insight foresight prudence sagacity perspicacity discernment acumen astuteness shrewdness sharpness keenness alertness vigilance attentiveness watchfulness mindfulness conscientiousness diligence industriousness assiduousness painstaking thorough meticulous methodical systematic organized disciplined structured coherent logical rational reasoned analytical critical evaluative judgmental discriminative selective discerning perceptive insightful intuitive instinctive spontaneous natural innate inherent intrinsic fundamental basic essential core central pivotal key crucial vital indispensable necessary requisite obligatory mandatory compulsory binding enforceable legally morally ethically socially culturally traditionally historically contextually situationally circumstantially conditionally contingently provisionally tentatively temporarily indefinitely permanently irrevocably irreversibly unchangeably immutably eternally timeless forevermore perpetuity infinity endless boundless limitless measureless incalculable immeasurable infinite vast immense enormous gigantic colossal monumental prodigious stupendous extraordinary phenomenal exceptional remarkable outstanding unparalleled unmatched unrivalled peerless supreme ultimate consummate exemplary ideal model paragon epitome quintessence archetype prototype paradigm standard benchmark criterion touchstone yardstick gauge metric indicator index barometer parameter dimension factor variable element aspect facet feature characteristic trait attribute quality property specification detail particular item component constituent part portion segment section division unit entity object subject matter topic theme issue concern interest focus attention concentration emphasis priority significance importance relevance pertinence applicability utility functionality practicality feasibility viability sustainability durability robustness reliability efficiency effectiveness productivity performance capability capacity competence proficiency skill expertise mastery excellence superiority preeminence distinction renown reputation prestige status standing stature eminence prominence influence authority power control dominion sovereignty supremacy ascendancy hegemony leadership governance rule administration management direction supervision oversight regulation enforcement implementation execution operation functioning running handling conducting managing directing overseeing supervising regulating enforcing administering governing ruling controlling commanding leading guiding steering piloting navigating driving propelling moving advancing progressing evolving developing growing expanding extending increasing augmenting enhancing improving upgrading modernizing updating refining fine-tuning optimizing maximizing capitalizing leveraging exploiting utilizing harnessing tapping mobilizing deploying activating initiating commencing starting beginning launching inaugurating instituting establishing founding creating forming constituting organizing structuring configuring arranging setting up putting together assembling composing constructing building erecting raising elevating lifting hoisting mounting positioning placing situating locating stationing anchoring fixing securing fastening attaching affixing joining connecting linking coupling binding tying knotting intertwining interweaving meshing integrating blending amalgamating merging fusing coalescing combining uniting bringing together harmonizing synchronizing coordinating aligning attuning balancing equalizing leveling stabilizing steadying firming consolidating reinforcing strengthening fortifying bolstering buttressing supporting backing aiding assisting helping facilitating enabling empowering encouraging motivating inspiring stimulating energizing invigorating revitalizing rejuvenating refreshing renewing restoring recovering rehabilitating reconditioning refurbishing renovating remodeling restructuring reshaping reformulating redefining reimagining reconceptualizing reinventing revolutionizing transforming transfiguring metamorphosing transmuting translating interpreting decoding deciphering decrypting demystifying elucidating clarifying explaining expounding explicating elaborating illustrating exemplifying demonstrating showing proving validating verifying confirming corroborating substantiating authenticating certifying attesting testifying witnessing vouchsafing guaranteeing assuring promising pledging committing swearing vowing avowing declaring proclaiming announcing pronouncing publishing broadcasting transmitting communicating conveying expressing articulating voicing uttering stating asserting affirm stating reiterate emphasize underscore highlight stress accentuate underline italicize boldface capitalize enunciate intone chant recite declaim orate deliver present introduce unveil disclose reveal divulge expose uncover unveil display exhibit showcase parade flaunt boast brag swagger strut posture pose preen prance cavort frolic gambol romp caper frisk skip hop jump leap bound spring bounce vault hurdle clear surmount traverse cross pass negotiate navigate maneuver weave wind twist turn bend curve arc loop spiral coil meander wander roam ramble rove drift float glide sail cruise skim skate slide slip slither creep crawl inch edge tiptoe sneak steal creep prowl stalk shadow tail track trail follow pursue chase hunt seek search explore investigate examine inspect scrutinize survey scan review assess evaluate appraise judge rate rank score grade mark tick check list register record log note remark comment observe perceive detect sense feel intuit divine guess surmise conjecture speculate hypothesize theorize postulate posit propose suggest recommend advise counsel urge exhort implore beseech entreat beg plead appeal petition solicit request demand require insist press push force compel constrain oblige obligate bind contract covenant pledge swear vow commit guarantee assure promise secure safeguard protect defend shield guard preserve conserve maintain sustain uphold retain hold keep save store stockpile reserve accumulate amass collect gather hoard cache treasure cherish value prize esteem appreciate admire respect regard revere venerate worship idolize adulate lionize glorify exalt extol laud praise commend applaud acclaim hail salute honor celebrate commemorate remember memorialize immortalize canonize sanctify consecrate bless anoint ordain hallow dedicate devote consecrate sanctify deify apotheosize beatify bless benedict baptize christen name dub title style designate label tag brand trademark copyright patent register license franchise permit authorize empower enable entitle qualify accredit certify endorse approve sanction validate legitimize legalize authenticate verify confirm corroborate substantiate attest witness testify bear witness vouch affirm declare state assert claim profess avow allege contend argue maintain hold believe think suppose assume presume expect anticipate envisage envision foresee predict forecast foretell prophesy prognosticate augur divine intuit guess estimate reckon calculate compute figure count enumerate tally total sum add subtract multiply divide measure weigh scale balance compare contrast juxtapose differentiate distinguish discriminate separate segregate isolate partition split cleave sever slice cut chop dice mince grind grate shred peel pare skin shell husk hull crack break smash crush pound pulverize powder mill grind mash knead roll flatten press squeeze wring twist wrangle wrest wrench yank jerk tug pull drag haul draw tow lug lift raise elevate heave hoist up thrust push shove nudge poke prod jab stab prick impale spear skewer pierce perforate puncture bore drill gouge carve chisel engrave etch inscribe imprint impress stamp seal mark brand tattoo scar scald burn singe char sear cauterize blister bake roast broil grill fry sauté stir-fry deep-fry pan-fry steam boil simmer stew braise poach blanch parboil scald scorch toast brown caramelize melt dissolve liquefy fuse blend mix combine unite merge amalgamate meld homogenize emulsify integrate synthesize compound concoct prepare cook bake roast broil grill fry sauté stir-fry deep-fry pan-fry steam boil simmer stew braise poach blanch parboil scald scorch toast brown caramel"