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Dr. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education | https://www2.ed.gov/news/staff/bios/cardona.html#:~:text=Miguel%20A.,in%20the%20mainland%20United%20States.

Secretary Cardona addresses Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action anniversary


U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona issued a statement today ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling on college affirmative action programs.

"Our colleges and universities are at their best when they reflect the rich diversity of our nation. On this day last year, the Supreme Court reversed course on decades of precedent and sharply limited a vital tool that colleges used to create vibrant, diverse campus communities and expand access to higher education for students of color, who too often face inequities in our education system. The decision was a blow to the fight for equal opportunity and a more just, equitable country," said Cardona.

He continued, "The Biden-Harris Administration is not backing down on its commitment to educational opportunity for all Americans. Over the past year, I've been encouraged to see many colleges take concrete action to preserve educational diversity and equity in their recruitment and admissions practices—as well as their efforts to promote inclusivity and supportive campus cultures."

Cardona highlighted several measures taken by educational institutions following guidance from the Department of Education. These include revising admissions strategies to consider student achievement in context with adversity and resilience factors such as financial means, available opportunities where they grew up, personal experiences of hardship including racial discrimination, among others.

"We've seen schools launch targeted recruitment programs, and others that have increased affordability through need-based aid and ensuring transparency and simplicity in student aid processes," Cardona noted. He also emphasized the importance of K-12 education in providing pathways to postsecondary education and fostering strong partnerships between higher education institutions and K-12 schools.

"The Department applauds these efforts. I look forward to our continued work together to intentionally better support students of color and erase unacceptable disparities and inequities in higher education. The fight for a more inclusive system goes on. Together, we will continue to raise the bar for all our nation's students," he concluded.