DOT releases highest-ever air travel consumer report data excluding pandemic year

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Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary |

DOT releases highest-ever air travel consumer report data excluding pandemic year


The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) released data on consumer submissions regarding air travel for June-December 2023 and the full calendar year 2023. The number of submissions in 2023 was the highest on record, except for 2020.

The delay in releasing the Air Travel Consumer Report (ATCR) was due to a high volume of complaints against airlines and ticket agents received by the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP). Over the past three years, complaints constituted an average of 91% of consumer submissions.

The DOT is modernizing its system for handling consumer complaints with support from a Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) investment. This modernization aims to improve customer experience and enable more effective oversight of the airline industry by OACP.

Due to continued high volumes of air travel service complaints, DOT has revised its processing methods for efficiency, resulting in less granular data available in the ATCR. Civil rights complaints are displayed similarly as before, but other consumer submissions are aggregated. Detailed complaint data will be restored once the new system is operational.

In calendar year 2023, DOT received 96,853 submissions compared to 86,240 in 2022. Of these, 67,661 concerned U.S. carriers, 24,991 concerned foreign air carriers, and 3,162 concerned travel companies. Disability-related complaints totaled 2,685 in 2023 versus 2,098 in 2022. Discrimination-related complaints rose to 223 from 176.

Monthly breakdowns show varying trends:

- June: Received 9,204 submissions (6,847 U.S., 2,059 foreign carriers), including increased disability (278 vs.175) and discrimination-related complaints (33 vs.15).

- July: Received 12,590 submissions (9,714 U.S., 2,569 foreign carriers), with higher disability-related complaints (300 vs.248) but fewer discrimination-related ones (4 vs.13).

- August: Received increased total submissions at 10,132 (7,348 U.S., 2 472 foreign carriers), along with more disability-related (287 vs.196) and discrimination-related complaints (18 vs14).

- September: Totaled at 7 510 submissions (5 125 US; 2128 foreign); Disability related decreased slightly to158 while discrimination related rose marginally from12to13.

- October: Recorded 5783total submission's mostly concerning US based flights at3719 followed closely behind by1806concerning overseas trips .Disability related dropped minimally down towards last year's figure from206to only20while discriminatory claims saw a minor uptick increasing just one instance over previous years count settling finally17 cases altogether

-November : Notably lower figures than previous month reaching47843 respective distribution between3052 domestically oriented journeys alongside1514 international voyages however noteworthy spike can be observed within categories focusing disabilities rising significantly up164–185 likewise discriminatory reports shot upwards dramatically registering35cases comparative paltry11from same period prior annum

-December Final months tally reported54426 primary source being3368US origin routes trailing slightly below latter half comprised entirely offshore excursions rounding out total numbers including singular instances pertaining individual agencies such travel firms summing modest136 .Further analysis reveals reduction terms handicapped individuals grievances dropping off precipitously earlier counts218against present readings totaling merely two hundred &two similarly discriminations climbed moderately nine initial findings culminating ultimately twelve separate occasions altogether

Under President Biden's administration significant strides have been made towards enhancing passenger rights expanding overall protections through introduction automatic refund policies coupled additional safeguards preventing unexpected surcharges notably these initiatives contributed substantially saving consumers estimated half billion annually Furthermore FAA Reauthorization Act May16th signed law further bolstered existing framework ensuring continued progress future endeavors .

In response growing concerns surrounding delayed/canceled flights newly established provides comprehensive information entitlements facilitating transparency accountability among major airlines guaranteeing essential services accommodations during disruptions Recent efforts culminated successful recovery nearly four billion refunds reimbursement passengers adversely affected specific incidents notable example Southwest Airlines holiday meltdown December22 involving substantial payouts exceeding six hundred million dollars .

Secretary Buttigieg emphasized importance collaborative approach engaging bipartisan coalition state attorney generals expedite resolution addressing systemic issues safeguarding public interests Ultimately this proactive stance yielded unprecedented results achieving lowest cancellation rates decade amidst record-breaking travel volumes Additionally groundbreaking reviews examining privacy practices loyalty programs underscore commitment ongoing improvements aviation sector

Consumers may file air travel or civil rights complaints online at or mail them to the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection at DOT headquarters in Washington D.C.

For more information on ATCR and other aviation consumer matters visit