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Alejandro Mayorkas United States Secretary of Homeland Security | Official Website

DHS announces new Federal School Safety Clearinghouse External Advisory Board members


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced the inaugural members of the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse External Advisory Board. This group, composed of school safety experts and education leaders, will provide advice and recommendations on enhancing K-12 school safety and security. The initiative is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to create safer learning environments and fulfills a requirement of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

The Board will advise the Secretary of Homeland Security through the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on implementing evidence-based school safety practices. Additionally, it will propose best practices for publication on SchoolSafety.gov, a federal platform offering actionable recommendations for schools and districts to ensure safe environments for students and educators.

This announcement comes nearly two years after the enactment of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which expanded the Clearinghouse and directed the establishment of this advisory board. Ronn Nozoe, Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), will chair the Board.

“Students and educators deserve safe environments that are free from fear. This Board will help schools and communities create safe learning spaces amid a diverse and ever-changing threat landscape,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “I thank these distinguished leaders and experts for dedicating their time and expertise to the worthiest of causes: identifying actions that will help keep our schools safe.”

“Our schools should never have to face threats alone. Part of our work includes making sure K-12 communities have access to the best possible resources and information from the federal government,” said CISA Director Jen Easterly. “It is my profound honor to work alongside these leaders in making real changes that will help protect our children and educators at school.”

"I'm deeply honored to serve as chair of the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse External Advisory Board,” said NASSP CEO Ronn Nozoe. “What makes this initiative truly special is unprecedented collaboration between federal agencies, school safety experts, violence prevention experts, and voices from education – school leaders, educators, and students."

The newly appointed members bring diverse perspectives with expertise in various fields including education, developmental psychology, public safety, law enforcement, cybersecurity, social work, civil rights among others. They represent state, local governments; parents; law enforcement; non-profit organizations; faculty associations; disability rights organizations; and private sector entities.

The inaugural members include:

- Ronn Nozoe (Chair), Chief Executive Officer at NASSP

- Kevin Armstrong, President-elect at National Association of Elementary School Principals

- Tami Benton, President at American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

- Shani Buggs from University California Davis Violence Prevention Research Program

- Mo Canady from National Association School Resource Officers

- Noel Candelaria from National Education Association

- Jennifer DePaoli from Learning Policy Institute

- Michele Gay from Safe Sound Schools

- Seth Gerson from National Governors Association

- Alison Grodzinski at National Center for School Safety

- Christine Harms at Colorado Office School Safety

- Nicole Hockley at Sandy Hook Promise

- Devon Horton Superintendent DeKalb County Georgia

- Yvonne Johnson President National Parent Teacher Association

- Brent Jones Superintendent Seattle Public Schools Washington

- Liz King Senior Program Director Education Equity Leadership Conference Civil Human Rights

- Keith Krueger Chief Executive Officer Consortium Networking

- Tim Lutz Superintendent Red Lake Minnesota

- Chad Marlow Senior Policy Counsel American Civil Liberties Union

- Donna Michaelis Director Virginia Center Campus Safety

- Tony Montalto President Stand With Parkland

- David Osher Vice President Institute Fellow American Institutes Research

- Melissa Reeves Past President National Association Psychologists

Marlene Sallo Executive Director Disability Rights Network

David Schuler Executive Director Superintendents Association

Debra Wilson President Independent Schools

Administered by CISA on behalf DHS Secretary convenes Fall 2024 first meeting learn more visit CISA.gov
