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Dr. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education | https://www2.ed.gov/news/staff/bios/cardona.html#:~:text=Miguel%20A.,in%20the%20mainland%20United%20States.

Biden nominates Adam Gamoran for director role at Institute of Education Sciences


U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona issued a statement regarding President Biden’s intention to nominate Adam Gamoran as Director of the Institute of Education Sciences.

“I’m incredibly pleased that President Biden has nominated Adam Gamoran to serve as Director of the Institute of Education Sciences. Adam has spent his career conducting and leading critical research that improves the lives of young people – including research on inequality in education. His experience spans across philanthropy and academia, and his lectures and writing have been seen and heard by audiences worldwide. I have every confidence that Adam’s credentials, research acumen, publishing record, and focus on improving educational outcomes make him eminently qualified to lead our Department’s independent research arm. At a moment of so many challenges and opportunities in education, we must ensure that educators, school and district leaders, and staff have access to high-quality non-partisan research and practical, data-driven strategies to close achievement gaps and support student success.”