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Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH President | Facebook Website

AMA receives CDC funding to strengthen U.S. public health


The American Medical Association (AMA) has been awarded funding by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to enhance the U.S. public health infrastructure. This funding is part of the CDC’s National Partners Cooperative Agreement, which aims to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities across the nation.

“Physicians share a sacred, trust-based relationship with their patients and work on the front lines every day helping patients prevent, and heal from, acute and chronic health conditions. At the same time, physicians recognize that their responsibility extends beyond their individual patients and understand the great importance of protecting and promoting the health of their community and the general public,” said AMA President Bruce A. Scott, M.D. “We know that partnerships between healthcare and public health are essential to protect the health of the nation. The AMA looks forward to collaborating with the CDC and other partners over the next 5 years to implement these projects that will help improve health outcomes for all people.”

The National Partners Cooperative Agreement is noted as the CDC's largest umbrella funding mechanism. The initiative includes 48 award recipients from various sectors, public health specialties, and population groups, bringing diverse expertise necessary for comprehensive public health improvements.

Through this funding, AMA will lead both new and ongoing initiatives aimed at strengthening public health infrastructure and workforce capabilities. This includes providing physicians and trainees with tools and education needed to implement evidence-based interventions, policies, processes, and programs.

The AMA remains committed to improving national health by focusing on preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Additionally, it supports evidence-based preventive services including screening for infectious diseases. The organization plans to continue backing policies, programs, and collaborations that safeguard public health.